Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Challenge Delay

Okay, I'm sorry. I'm making another change and it's probably getting on your nerves. I'm really sorry aobut it. But I've had no choice, it's either change it or have it always being late. Let me explain. With my new schedule at work, I'm always on call. So my schedule changes from day to day. Sometimes I get to leave early, but most often I leave late. When I get home I'm just plain tired. The only good thing about this new arrangement is that I get my weekends completely to myself. So if I can get out of bed, I can usually fit in a bit of scapping. So, since my weekends are clear I've decided to move my Wednesday goodies to Saturday. That way my postings aren't late and you guys don't miss out on your freebies. I'm starting this this week, so this week's challenge is going to go on until Saturday. A winner will be selected and we'll continue on with our next challenge.

So, sorry. I have no goodies for you today, but check back on Saturday.

1 comment:

Dawn Knapp said...

Hi Monica! I love your blog! I gave you an award on my blog today!