Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Scare and New Beginning

Digi Keepsakes by Monica Evan formally Sunshine Digi Scraps.
It seemed appropriate for my first posting to be identical to my last posting at Sunshine Digi Scraps so you all will have the background. Here it is.
I've decided that I'm no longer going to make promises on my freebies and products. Things always seem to happen. You may already know that my mother had surgery recently and I have been helping out at her home as well as taking care of things at my home. Some of you may also know that I some times have trouble with my stomach due to GERD and gastritis. So when the stress level went up and I started having stomach pains I didn't think anything of it because that's normal for me. I just doubled up on my medicine like the doctor told me to and kept on going. I failed to realize that the pain wasn't the same. The medicine didn't make it better either. It only got worse until I eventually passed out from the pain. A trip to the emergency room and a few tests later we discovered that it wasn't my stomach it was my gallbladder. It was severely infected and I also had some gallstones. The doctor decided that it couldn't be saved so I was placed on antibiotics for a few days and given some pain meds, but there was little improvement and surgery was set up. I had my gallbladder removed last week and was released from the hospital the next day. They only kept me overnight for observations. The surgery wasn't as invasive as I thought it would be. The miracles of modern medicine. There was some pain and discomfort, but easily handled my meds. Instead of coming home I went to my mothers house for a few days. Misery loves company and all that. My husband helped out a lot and took care of the kids. I just love that man.

I started feeling better after a few days, but was told to take it easy. I still had to take the pain meds when it got bad, but they always made me tired and I slept alot. I had plenty of time to think and decided that changes needed to be made. One of those changes is Sunshine Digi Scraps will be no more. I'm still designing, but I decided a name change was necessary. There are so many sunshine somethings out there that it gets very confusing, even for me. So a change was made, now I will be designing under the name Digi Keepsakes by Monica. Along with the name change is a change of email and a change of blog. I actually got a chance to start setting that up so here is the link:
Welcome all to Digi Keepsakes. I'll have another post for you later today.

1 comment:

chelle said...

Hi! Thank you for the freebie up top. I wanted to comment that I had my gall bladder removed 3 weeks ago. I moved out here to Texas with hubby & the kids in January and developed some pretty bad stomach problems and "backaches" that responded to no painkillers, backrubs, or heat.

After one morning of feeling like my stomach was being ripped apart, I went to the doc. My BG wasn't infected, but it was full of stones, one of which had passed that painful morning. So out it came.

Thinking back, the whole "tummy ache with a back ache between the blades" thing happened to me periodically in the past. I'd been having attacks for the past 5 years and just thought it was my back causing my stomach pain.

I hope you're recovering well. I'm having some "ab pain" which keeps DH on "picking up" duty. I can't wait to feel like myself again... I still have tons of boxes to unpack. :)